The versatility I look for in music nourishes my life, allowing me to look at feeling, emotion and intuition from a holistic and explorative perspective, tracing the path of my inner journey.
I have been composing music since 1995, creating soundtracks for events, films, documentaries, narratives and immersive installations, museums, optical theaters, theater, dance and audiobooks.
I have composed for major national and international productions, for public and private entities, for prestigious artistic personalities like Carlo Rambaldi, Oscar Winner for ET, Alien, King Kong and Flipper Music e Aulicus Classics.
Since 2017 I am the Art Director of the label Aulicus Classics.
Since 2004 ve I have worked as Producer with several record companies, including Brilliant Classics, for which I oversaw the music and post-production artistic direction for several recordings, with orchestras and internationally acclaimed artists, including Daniel Oren, Hui He, Luciana D 'Intino, Renato Bruson, Leo Nucci, Carlo Striuli and others.
my first instrument. At first it was just a straw beater which triggered my imagination . Then finally a small Eko came along as a gift. Its sound won me over immediately. I was lucky enough to study guitar several years later with Sergio Notaro, one of the most valuable teachers encountered during the course of my artistic life.
followed a different course, perhaps less instinctive, but extremely intense. With the flute I got a degree from the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome. It has allowed me to grow musically and to develop an extensive career as a concert performer.
a result of experimenting and playing. With my instruments, in addition to the standard studies and classical scores, I have always loved to freely improvise, giving shape to an innate instinct that thrills in mixing tones, sounds and colors, to express my astonishment toward the world.
it has expanded my artistic vision by exploring the narrative potentials of the scores and the entire array of musical instruments.
it challenged me to break the mold of the traditional melodic overtones with which I was raised and spurred me to look for a way out from my classical vision of the expressive narrative. I have a degree from the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome.
A heartfelt thanks to the teachers who have accompanied my musical growth: Marianne Eckstein for the flute, Dominic Losavio for ensemble music for wind instruments, Gianfranco Plenizio for the direction and composition, Giorgio Nottoli for electronic music, Fabio Fasano for the guitar.
Lecturer of Music for wind instruments ensemble:
from 2021 to today at the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory of Music in Naples;
from 2012 at the Conservatory of Music G. Martucci of Salerno;
Lecturer of Music Composition applied to images:
Lecturer of Audio-Video Applications:
Lecturer of Composition and multimedia art installation:
Lecturer of Technology and technique of shooting and recording:
Lecturer of Technology and technique of assembly and post production
Lecturer of Technology and technique of amplification and sound reinforcement:
Lecturer of Systems, technologies, applications and programming languages for multimediaity:
Lecturer of Wind Orchestra Conduction:
Edgard Varèse
Live concert - 24th may 2000
for "A hundred percussions and winds"
Conservatory of Music C. G. Da Venosa of Potenza Orchestra
Rosella Clementi
Riccardo Nova
Live Concert 24th may 2000
for "A hundred percussions and winds"
Conservatory of Music C. G. Da Venosa of Potenza Orchestra
Rosella Clementi
Live concert “Cabiria nighs”
Teatro Stabile - 20th november 2005
I BASILISCHI Conservatory of Music C. G. Da Venosa of Potenza of Clarinets
Transcrips and Conducting
Rosella Clementi
Benedetto Marcello: “ La XIII sonata”
Rome, 2002
My compositions take shape through different musical languages, from the traditional timbral suggestions to the lyric-symphonics and contemporary, from the technological shades to the archaic and sensorial echoes of ethnic and folk music.
which I seek to evoke emotion, surprise, memory, adherence to the soul of the telling, to the territory, its people and its architectural space.
with which I strengthen the expressive and creative aspects, through the dissemination in multi-channel, to give back to the audience an enveloping and emotional atmosphere.
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Alberto Lori
SECOP Edizoni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentators Alberto Lori, Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Alberto Lori
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Margherita Di Rauso
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Extract from "Gente" by Bartolomeo Smaldone
Voice commentator Alberto Lori
SECOP Edizioni 2009
Execution by Asteria srl - Trento 2010
Promotional advertising on Basilicata
Project by Giovanna D'Amato - Execution by Netweyitalia - APT Basilicata 2008
Promotional advertising for the event "Albert in gioco" - Artistic Direction by the Oscar winner Carlo Rambaldi
Execution by Netweyitalia - Certosa di Padula (SA) 2007
Promotional advertising on Basilicata
Digital processing and recordings by Rosella Clementi - Concept and editing by Rossella Sapio - Photo library by APT Basilicata - 2013
Promotional advertising for the event of the CNR Italian Presidency
Live recording of the concert at the Villa Pallavicini, Rome 2010 - Production by Netweyitalia
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl - Voices of children Mariasole e Ratha Margarita
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on the Museum of Rome
Palazzo Braschi 2012 - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Filas - Lazio Region - Production by Cromovideo Audiovisual E-Motion srl
Extract from the auteur film "La città invisibile, appunti per un documentario su Pomezia"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Pomezia - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - Pomezia (RM) 2008
Extract from the auteur film "San Pietro Infine"
Sponsored by the Municipality San Pietro Infine - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl 2008
Extract from the auteur film "L'Archeodromo di Vallicelli"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Monte San Giacomo - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2007
Extract from the auteur film "San Pietro Infine"
Sponsored by the Municipality of San Pietro Infine - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2008
Extract from the auteur film "Appunti per il progetto del museo Il Culto dell'Acqua"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Paulilatino - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2009
Extract from the auteur film "Appunti per il progetto del museo Il Culto dell'Acqua"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Paulilatino - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2009
Extract from the auteur film "Appunti per il progetto del museo archelogico Il Culto dell'Acqua"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Paulilatino - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2009
Extract from the live show for music and projection on big walls
Production by Officina Rambaldi headed by the Oscar Winner Carlo Rambaldi - Directed by Rossella Sapio - Certosa di Padula 2007
Promotional advertising on Basilicata 2008
Promotional advertising 2010
Production by Asteria srl - Trento
Extract from the auteur film "La città invisibile, appunti per un documentario su Pomezia" 2007
Sponsored by the Municipality of Pomezia - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl
Extract from the auteur film "Il Vallo di Diano" 2007
Sponsored by the Municipality of Monte San Giacomo (SA) - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl
Extract from the auteur film "Diario intimo di un viaggiatore" on Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi 2012
Filas - Lazio Region - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl
Extract from the museum area of Lavinium on Enea, founder of Lavinium
Sponsored by the Municipality of Pomezia (Rome) - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - 2008
Extract from the Grave Goods and Heroon Doors of Enea - Lavinium Museum
Sponsored by the Municipality of Pomezia (Rome) - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - Written by Rossella Sapio - Voice commentator Carlo Valli - 2008
Extract from the museum area of the Historiale Museum on the II World War - Artistic Direction by the Oscar Winner Carlo Rambaldi
Written and produced by Officina Rambaldi headed by the Oscar Winner Carlo Rambaldi - Cassino 2005
Extract from the museum area Parco della Memoria Storica
Art Direction Academy Award Carlo Rambaldi
Sponsored by the Municipality of San Pietro Infine - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - 2007
Extract from the museum area of the Archeodromo of Vallicelli
Sponsored by the Municipality of Monte San Giacomo - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - 2007
Extract from the museum area of the "Centro di introduzione alla preistoria del territorio del Monte Cervati"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Monte San Giacomo - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - Director Rossella Sapio
Extract from the narrative area: "Temi ed elementi per la progettazione del Museo Archeologico del 'Culto dell'acqua'"
Sponsored by the Municipality of Paulilatino (OR) - Architectural design by Monica Sorti - Direction by Rossella Sapio - Scientific consulting by Anna De Palmas - 2008
Extract from the immersive installation of the Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi "24 ore in 1 minuto"
Filas - Lazio Region - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl - 2013
A journey into the voice, made of the decomposition of the Enea words: "Padre che cos'è questo desiderio di luce?"
Music and electroacoustic processing by Rosella Clementi - 2009
Wandering around the breath, looking for the primordial and ancestral sound magma.
Music and electroacoustic processing by Rosella Clementi - 2008
A remake of the Lord's Prayer recited in the ancient Albanian tradition arbëreshe
Music and electroacoustic processing by Rosella Clementi - 2013
The viola between the acoustic and the electronic
Music and electroacoustic processing by Rosella Clementi - Electric Viola, Alessio Toro - 2011
Extract from the stage show at the Accademia Filarmonica Romana
Production by L'Albero di Minerva - Direction by Lucia Di Cosmo - 2004
Extract from the stage show at the Accademia Filarmonica Romana
Production by L'Albero di Minerva - Direction by Lucia Di Cosmo - 2004
Stage show written and directed by Rosella Clementi
Orchestra of the Conservatory of Music C. G. Da Venosa - Children's drawings of the educational circles of the elementary schools of Potenza - Represented from 1995 to 2005
Extract from the stage show with the Accettella's puppets
Music by F. Poulenc - Production and direction by the Teatro Mongiovino of Rome - Orchestra C.G. Da Venosa - Photos by Stefano Romano - 1999
Extract from the stage puppets show "tremendo spiritello"
Copy by Gianpiero Perri and Antonella Grippo - Puppets by Gerardo Viggiano - Direction by Carmelina Iannelli and Francesco D'atena - Performed at the Parco della Grancia (PZ) from 1999 to 2013
Extract from the stage show "Liombruno"
Production by Officina Accademia Teatro - Copy by Sandra Bianco - Direction and voice Pino Quartana - Teatro Stabile (PZ) 1998
Artistic Direction and Music by Rosella Clementi
Editorship by Rossella Sapio
Technical realization Labforweb
Extract from the auteur film "Il Vallo di Diano" 2007
Sponsored by the Municipality of Monte San Giacomo - Written and directed by Rossella Sapio - Production by Cromovideo srl
Original trailer music
Flipper Music, necklace of n. 3 CDs
1 CD May 2017
2 CD December 2017
3 CD February 2018
Tour in Basilicata for new compositions inspired by tradition.
An itinerant journey to Basilicata, Pollino (2013), Vulture (2014) and Val D'Agri (2015), to rediscover and record the sound memory of those places, of those people as inspiration for new contemporary compositions and electronics for the Basilicata Visioni Sonore website promoted by APT BAsilicata.
Designers and curators of the project Rosella Clementi and Rossella Sapio
This activity, I have been doing since 2000, has allowed me to work with major record companies (Brilliant Classics, Tactus, Feltrinelli) and to get in touch with many musicians whose expertise and stylistic human have enriched my path of artistic growth.
I am very grateful to this art direction and post-production activity, which allows me to constantly refine the musical taste, sharpen the ear and develop a meticulous attention to sound details, which is essential either for my career as a musician and for the creation of high quality record productions.
Since 2020 I have been Artistic Director of the Aulicus Classics record label. https://www.aulicusclassics.com/
my brother
for initiating me to the study of music and the first flute as a present
a guide in life and a teacher for my inner growth
apt basilicata general director
an artistic partnership that renews itself for years in new and highly creative artistic projects
a special understanding made of sensitivity, visions and poetry
inspirator of the creative concept of the site, coordinator of the realization and copywriter of the contents
a glance that has been able to penetrate the soul and the mystery
web programmer
a good and valuable interpreter between me and the algorithms technology